Puzzle Mate Kit

Hello puzzle lovers, in this instructions, you will see how to use our Puzzle Mate to preserve your completed puzzle step-by-step, along with some pro tips. 

If you purchased Puzzle Mate, your kit comes with 8 adhesive felt sheets (10x7.5in), 8 adhesive clear sheets (10x7.5in), 15 double-sided mounting dots, and 1 air bubble remover. 

Now let's talk about what is each component for. 

Adhesive felt sheet is to preserve the back of the puzzle. If you choose to decorate your puzzle as table centerpiece, the felt sheet serves as a cushion to prevent scratches on the table.

If you choose to decorate your puzzle as wall decor, then the felt sheet serves as a support back, and your puzzle will look more standing out due to the thickness between the back of the puzzle and the wall. (Jump to the end of instructions to see photos as wall decor.) 

Adhesive clear sheet is to preserve the front of the puzzle. 

The double-sized mounting dots are used to put the preserved puzzle on the wall. Please read on or jump to step 7 for details. These dots are designed to be removable, so no residue will be left on your wall. 

The air bubble remover is to smooth the front of the puzzle after you apply the adhesive clear sheets. Please read on or jump to step 6 for details.

Okay, now you know what each component is used for, before we jump in to preserve your completed jigsaw puzzle, let's talk about a common question: which side of the puzzle should I preserve?

Pro tip: it depends.

If you are new to puzzles, we recommend to preserve the front side of the puzzle, because 1) when you finish putting together the puzzle, the front side is facing up already and 2) you do not need to flip the puzzle. 

If you are good at flipping a puzzle, and prefer not to preserve the front side, go ahead flip the puzzle and preserve the back side only. 

Now let's preserve the completed jigsaw puzzle with our Puzzle Mate, shall we? 

Prerequisite: Identify the glossy and matte side of the adhesive clear sheet. The glossy side is the adhesive side (shown above), and the matte side is the supporting sheet. 

Step 1: Use a pencil (or pen) and ruler to measure the adhesive clear sheets to fit your jigsaw puzzle. Draw a line on the matte side of the adhesive clear sheets.

If you have a large puzzle (say, 1000 or 1500 piece), you may only need to trim one or two clear sheets that goes to the edge of the puzzle. If you have a small puzzle (shown in this instruction), you may need to trim every clear sheets you'll use to preserve the puzzle. 

Step 2: Use a pair of scissors to trim the adhesive clear sheets, with the line you just draw. 

Step 3: Peel the adhesive sheet off the supporting matte paper, starting from a corner.

Step 4: Peel off the adhesive clear sheet off just by an inch. Fold down the supporting matte paper, and use your two forefingers to support the corner of the adhesive clear sheet you just peel off. 

Step 5: Gauge the edge of the clear sheets as close as possible to the edge of the puzzle, and gentle let the clear sheets down. 

Step 6: Once the adhesive clear sheet lands on the puzzle, use one hand to press it and let the puzzle stay, while use the other hand to slowly pull off the supporting matte paper. 

Step 7: Until the entire adhesive clear sheet is sticking on the puzzle, and you can toss the supporting matte paper. 

Step 8: Now, time to use the air bubble remover. Push it at an angle to squeeze out any air bubbles between the adhesive glue sheet and the puzzle. 

Pro tip: Push it from one end of the puzzle to the other end, and work your way to cover the entire puzzle. As you can see, right side where the air bubble remover has pressed over, it looks smoother than the left side where we haven't pressed the air bubble remover over. 

Take a break, and we are going to preserve the back side of the puzzle now. You will find it is so much easier to flip the puzzle as you've preserved the front side. 

Prerequisite: Identify the felt and supporting side of the adhesive felt sheet. The felt side is the adhesive side (shown above), and the white paper side is the supporting sheet. 

Step 9: Flip the half-preserved puzzle, and use a pen (and a ruler) to measure the adhesive felt sheet to fit your puzzle. 

Pro tip: Pencil doesn't write well on the felt sheet, so use a pen instead. The supporting side of the adhesive felt sheet is glossy, which doesn't write well, so draw the line on the felt size of the sheet. 

Step 10:Use a pair of scissors to trim the adhesive felt sheets, with the line you just draw. 

Step 11: Peel the adhesive felt sheet off the supporting paper, starting from a corner.

Step 12: Similar to step 4 and 5 with the clear sheet, peel off the supporting paper just by one inch, and put the adhesive felt onto the puzzle, starting from the edge of the puzzle, and work your way through the entire sheet. You may refer back to step 3 and 4 for details. 

Pro tip: Side view during the preservation process. One hand on one end of the puzzle to let it stay on the table; the other hand slowly peel off the supporting sheet, and gentle let the adhesive felt naturally fall onto the puzzle. 

Congratulations, you've successfully preserved the jigsaw puzzle!

Now, if you plan on using the preserved puzzle as a table centerpiece, then you are done.

If you would like to use the puzzle as wall decor, you have one more thing to do, so read on!

Step 13: Take off the double-sided mounting dot from the supporting sheet, and put it to the corner of the puzzle. 

Step 14: Take off the top cover of the mounting dot, and it is ready for you to stick it on the wall. 

Congratulations! Now you'll enjoy the preserved puzzles as home decor for the years to come.

If you have any questions on the instructions, or want to ask for tips and tricks, let us know! 

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